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Sometimes, on the rare occasion, finishing a unit early occurs. Usually, my approach is just to keep going, tackle the next unit or spend a day on a related interesting tidbit of information.

A few year ago, a television show titled NUMB3RS started and needless to say, it quickly became a favourite of mine, as well as my students. Think a very mathy version of CSI. However, sadly, it is coming to an end this year. As much as I love showing an episode every now and then, I also like to change it up when a new idea presents itself.

I decided over the March break that I wanted to have a Games day.  Many of the board games in the world are based on probability, reasoning and strategy. Whether you’re playing Clue, or Chess…there is always thinking to be done (perhaps more in one than another, but still thinking).

I suggested my kids bring in some of their favourite games (they forgot, but I think they’ll remember next time) and I said I’d bring in some of the ones I have. I brought in the standard deck of cards, but some of the other interesting games I brought in included:

Othello/Reversi: is a board game, given to me by a previous student who was sickeningly good at it, where the player’s goal is to have a majority of their colored pieces showing at the end of the game, by turning over as many of their opponent’s pieces as possible.

GO: the board game featured in the movie “A Beautiful Mind“. The rule book seems quite daunting, however, it is apparently quite simple.

Chess: one of my favourite childhood games that I don’t play nearly as much as I’d like to now.

DaVinci’s Challenge: This patterning and strategy game was a recent birthday gift. A definite winner of a game!

Senet: A recent acquisition from the AGO when I went to see the King Tut exhibit. It was a board game played in ancient Egypt.

Personally, I think Games Day was a nice change of pace. Check out some of the pictures I snapped below…

Strategizing to win DaVinci's Challenge

A friendly(?) game of Jenga

Deep in chess thought

See you at the next game’s day…

One Comment

  1. Now that looks like fun!

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