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Recently, one of my IB1 Math Studies students asked me what my favourite slang word was. This had me thinking for a few days. Admittedly, working with teenagers, I tend to use slang words, or pick up on their terminology since I spend so much time with them. However, I don’t like all of them, nor do I understand the context of all of them or they just seem plain silly, but that could be entirely because I’m now considered “old” and it’s not my generational slang time period.

Sometimes, the new slang word is something that is just a modification of an old phrase – the perfect example is YOLO (you only live once), which I dislike and much prefer the original CARPE DIEM (seize the day). Don’t mess with the best, or you’ll die like the rest (had to throw that in there).

The Huffington Post just wrote about the Slang Words of 2014 and some of them evade me, others I know I’ve heard in the hallways of my school. Take a look and see how many you know, have heard, or use yourself.

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